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Maurice Tiberius
Maurice Tiberius

Maurice Tiberius

582 - 602

AU Solidus

SB 474, DOC I 2 AU Solidus Obv: DNMAVRCTIbPPAVC - Maurice as consul seated facing, holding mappa and cross.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG Exe: CONOB - Victory standing facing, , holding globus cruciger and long staff surmounted by christogram. $3,500 9/25/02.

SB 477, DOC I 4, MIB 5 AU Solidus Obv: ONmAVRICTIbERPPAV - Helmeted and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger and shield with uncertain decoration.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG Exe: CONOB - Angel standing facing, holding long P-headed cross and globus cruciger. 583 (Constantinople). $395 6/4/04.

SB 478, DOC I 5 AU Solidus Obv: ONMAVRICTIbPPAVG - Draped bust facing, in cuirass and helmet with plume; in right hand holds globe cross.
Rev: VICTORIAVGG Exe: CONOB - Victory standing facing, holding long staff and globe cross. 583-601 (Constantinopolis).

SB 481, DOC I 7 AU Solidus Obv: DNMAVRCTIbPPAVC - Helmeted bust facing, holding globus cruciger; star in right field.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG Exe: /CONOB - Victory standing facing, holding long P-headed staff and globus cruciger. $179 4/1/01.

SB 502 AU Solidus Obv: DNmAVRCTIbPPAV - Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG Exe: CONOB - Victory standing, facing, holding scepter with Christogram and cross on globe. (Thessalonica).

SB 524, DOC I 149 AU Solidus Obv: DNMAVRCTIbPPAVC - Helmeted and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGGH Exe: CONOB - Angel holding long P-headed cross and globus cruciger. (Antioch). $220 9/25/02.

SB 524, DOC I 149g, Hahn 478 AU Solidus Obv: DNMAVRCTIbPPAVC - Helmeted and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGGI Exe: CONOB - Angel holding long P-headed cross and globus cruciger. (Antioch).

SB 547, DOC I 215 AU Solidus Obv: Helmeted (with cross) and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger and shield; AN A.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGGA Exe: CONOB - Victory standing facing, holding long P-headed cross and globus cruciger. (Carthage). $950 9/24/03.

SB 548, MIB II 25b AU Solidus Obv: DNmAVRICTbPPANB - Draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG Exe: CONOB - Victory standing facing, holding long linear staff surmounted by Christogram and globus cruciger. c.583-584 (Carthage). $480 9/24/03.

SB 549, DOC I 228, MIB II 25b AU Solidus Obv: DNmAVRICTPPAN(indictional year) - Helmeted facing bust, holding globus cruciger.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG(indictional year) - Victory standing facing, holding long P-headed cross and globus cruciger. (Carthage). $400 5/21/03.

AU 22 Siliquae (Lightweight Solidus)

SB 482, Hahn 13b Lightweight Solidus Obv: DNmAVRCTIbPPAV - Cuirassed bust facing, wearing plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGGH Exe: OB+ - Victory standing facing, holding scepter with Christogram and globe. c.583-601 (Constantinopolis).

Unlisted Lightweight Solidus Obv: oNTIbERmAVRICPPAV - Crowned, cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe and shield.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG Exe: OB+ - Victory standing facing, holding scepter with Christogram and globe. (Constantinopolis).

AU 20 Siliquae (Lightweight Solidus)

Unlisted Lightweight Solidus Obv: DNMAVRICTIBERPPAVG - Crowned, cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe and shield.
Rev: VICTORIAAVGG Exe: CONXX - Victory standing facing, holding scepter with Christogram and globe.

AU Semissis

SB 486, DOC I 12, MIB II 17 AU Tremissis Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: VICTORIAAVG Exe: CONOB - Victory advancing right, holding wreath and cross on globe. (Constantinople).

AU Tremissis

SB 488, DOC I 14 AU Tremissis Obv: oNTIbERIPPAVG - Diademed, draped bust right.
Rev: VICTORmAVRIAVG Exe: CONOB - Cross potent. (Constantinople). $230 9/24/03.

AR Half Siliqua

SB 553, MIB II 61 Half Siliqua Obv: DNMAVRICPP - Crowned bust facing, wearing consular robes, holding mappa and scepter with eagle and cross.
Rev: Cross potent; A to left and W to right.

AE Follis

SB 495, MIB II 68Dc, DOC I 44b AE Follis Obv: DNMAVRICTIBERPPAVG - Crowned facing bust, wearing consular robes, holding mappa and scepter with cross and eagle atop.
Rev: Large M Exe: /CON - Christogram above, regnal date to right and ANNO to left. (Constantinopolis).

SB 512, DOC 98b AE Follis Obv: Crowned facing bust, holding globus-cruciger.
Rev: Large M Exe: /NIKO - Cross above, regnal date to right and ANNO to left. (Nicomedia).

SB 518 AE Follis Obv: DNmAYRICTIbPPAV - Helmeted facing bust, holding cross atop globe and shield.
Rev: Large M Exe: /KYZ - Cross above, regnal date to right and ANNO to left. (Cyzicus).

SB 532, DOC I 153 AE Follis Obv: О TSTIOI~~IAITAPPIV - Crowned facing bust, holding mappa and eagle scepter.
Rev: Large M Exe: THEUP' - Cross above, regnal date to right and ANNO to left. (Antioch).

SB 533, DOC I 162 AE Follis Obv: DNmAYRICTIbPPAUt - bust facing, with consular robes, mappa and eagle scepter.
Rev: Large M Exe: /tHEUP - Cross above, regnal date to right and ANNO to left. (Antioch). $325 9/24/03.

SB 557, MIB III N117 AE Follis Obv: DNMAVRITbPPAVAG - Crowned, cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe.
Rev: Large cross on dot; N to left, and M to right Exe: XX•XX. 597-601 (Carthage).

AE Half Follis

SB 512, DOC 98b AE Follis Obv: Crowned facing bust, holding globus-cruciger.
Rev: Large K - Cross above, regnal date to right and ANNO to left. (Constantinople).

SB 509 AE Half Follis Obv: DNmAVRCTibPPAVG - Crowned and cuirassed bust, holding globe with cross.
Rev: Large K Exe: TES - Cross above, regnal date to right and ANNO to left. (Thessalonica).

SB 534, DOC I 175, MIB II 97 AE Half Follis Obv: Crowned facing bust, holding mappa and eagle-tipped scepter.
Rev: Large XX Exe: - Cross above, regnal date to right and ANNO to left. (Antioch).

SB 535, DO I 190, Hahn 99c AE Half Follis Obv: Crowned facing bust, holding mappa and eagle-tipped scepter.
Rev: Large K - ANNO to left, cross above, XU to right and R below. 596-597 (Antioch).

SB 587, DOC I 283, MIB II 155 AE Half Follis Obv: Crowned facing bust, holding cross on globe.
Rev: No legend Exe: ROM - Large XX, cross above. (Rome).

SB 597a, MIB III V145b AE Half Follis Obv: Diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: No legend Exe: RAVEN - Large XX, SS above. $500 9/24/03.

SB 598, DOC I 292 AE Half Follis Obv: Helmeted and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger.
Rev: Large K Exe: R/A/VENN - Cross above, regnal date to right and ANNO to left. 586-598 (Ravenna). $150 5/21/03.

AE Decanummium

SB 537, DOC I 209, MIB II 102 AE 10 Nummus Obv: Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing.
Rev: I exe: THEUP' - Cross above, regnal date to right and ANNO to left. (Antioch)

SB 563, DOC I 245.5, MIB II 122 AE 10 Nummus Obv: Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing.
Rev: N M on either side of wreath, cross above, X below. (Carthage). $200 9/25/02.

SB 566, DOC I 255, MIB II 126 AE 10 Nummus Obv: Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust left Exe: INDS.
Rev: N M on either side of cross potent, X below. (Carthage).

SB 583, DOC I 281 AE 10 Nummus Obv: Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding cross on globe.
Rev: Large X; SI LI CI A reading counterclockwise from top. 591-597 (Syracuse).

AE Pentanummium

SB 579, DOC I 263, MIB II 129 AE 5 Nummus Obv: Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing.
Rev: Wreath, Christogram with dot on either side and E below within. (Carthage).

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